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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu points to a red line he drew on a graphic of a bomb while addressing the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 27, 2012 in New York City. |
If not seriously perhaps jokingly, but did Netanyahu planned to be funny? I don't think so. The threat is serious.
The jokes ‘‘are maybe part of the success because it was an unforgettable speech that delivered its message,’’ Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon told Israel’s Channel 2 TV. ‘‘Today everyone is talking about it.’’
JERUSALEM (AP) — When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held up a cartoon-like drawing of a bomb during his speech at the U.N., he set off an explosion of jokes and mockery — but it also got plenty of attention.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu points to a red line he drew on a graphic of a bomb while addressing the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 27, 2012 in New York City.
The Bibi Bomb, as it’s being called using Netanyahu’s nickname, is the latest in a series of props used by the Israeli leader as he tries to keep the global spotlight on Iran’s disputed nuclear program.
The image of Netanyahu and the diagram of a bomb with a lighted fuse was top news around the world. Headlines in Europe referred to Netanyahu’s ‘‘bomb cartoon’’ and ‘‘comic strip.’’ - Boston.com News
So here we go. Israel was first exiled to Babylon and then Medo-Persia took over.
Beginning with Cain, who went to the land of Nod east of Eden, which was in Chaldea, the line of his descendants went on, but was not carefully recorded in the Bible like those of - for example - of Noah or Abraham.
The Median, and the Ishmaelites were the great tradesmen of the Middle East and they were called Kenites because they descended from Cain. Egypt’s Pharaohs, Jethro Moses’ father-in-law (Judges 1:16), but also Haman the Agagite (Esther 8:3) and king Ahasuerus (Daniel 9:1) were used to affect history of the Jews; and through them also the world's.
Haman the Agagite descended form the Amalekite king Agag (1 Samuel 15) whom Samuel slew, but his son survived and this hatred was locked in the genetic pool of Haman. (See BABYLON,PERSIA & GREECE )
Under Cyrus Judeans, then called the Jews, returned to their land and had rebuilt Jerusalem's temple and the city.
Thus says Cyrus king of Persia, ‘The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and He has appointed me to build Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. ‘Whoever there is among you of all His people, may his God be with him! Let him go up to Jerusalem which is in Judah and rebuild the house of the LORD, the God of Israel; He is the God who is in Jerusalem (Ezra 1:2-3).
All the Temple's stolen treasures Cyrus returned back to the rightful owners. But just as the almighty and Sovereign-over-all of His creation God forced Cyrus to release the Jews from captivity the same God will do it again. This time the captivity is to the unpredictable causes of fear.
All her majesty
Has departed from the daughter of Zion;
Her princes have become like deer
That have found no pasture;
And they have fled without strength
Before the pursuer (Lamentations 1:6).
That's what happened when Judah was exiled to Babylon.
The mighty men of Babylon have ceased fighting,
They stay in the strongholds;
Their strength is exhausted,
They are becoming like women;
Their dwelling places are set on fire,
The bars of her gates are broken (Jeremiah 51:30).
That's when Babylon fell and Persia took over.
At the end of the prophesied by Jeremiah seventy years history made another turn. Jews were back in their land. However, many remained in Persia and some still live in Iran to this very day.
Not much has changed since those days. Today we are dealing with the modern day miracle in the desert called Israel. The longer Palestinians wait delaying any changes to be made to their charter - which calls for the complete destruction of the State of Israel - the closer they get to a suicide as a nation. Would you make peace with those that spew fire on you and say to you that you are not worthy of life? You would avoid such and not associate yourself with haters; I wouldn't and I don't.
This waiting game comes to a close, because the Palestinians hope for Iran's obliteration of Israel. Just as they had rejoiced when Saddam Hussein fired Scud missiles off to Israel they will also rejoice when Iran tries to do the same, but perhaps using different warheads. And that's no joke. That's more than a red line or a red flag.
All of my blogs deal with God's complete sovereignty over all of His creation.
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