(CNN) – A fragile truce between Israel and Hamas appeared to hold Friday
despite reports that Israeli troops shot and killed a Palestinian man near its
border in Gaza.
soldiers opened fire when farmers were trying to reach their land near
Israeli-Gaza border, Hamas officials said. But the Israel Defense Forces said
the people were rioters who attempted to breach a fence dividing Israel and
was the first report of a fatality since Hamas and Israel agreed to a
cease-fire, forged by high-powered international diplomacy after eight days of
round-the-clock warfare.
President Mohamed Morsy and his government spearheaded the truce. U.N.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also
used their influence to stop the fighting. U.S. President Barack Obama dialed
up the main players to help seal the cease-fire deal.
* * *
test conducted by Hamas and urged by Iran gave the Gazans only sour faces; many
of their leaders were precisely targeted and killed; huge collateral damage,
destruction and devastation, because force is the only form of an advice they
know. Iran got what it wanted at the
expense of its Palestinian poppets bent on the destruction of Israel. They had
a real heyday firing those longer missiles Iran-manufactured rockets. Their bottled up animosities found an outlet, but for how long? Just as
the rockets from Iran were easily smuggled into Gaza (through underground tunnels) so easily a
nuclear warhead can be smuggled in also and precisely aimed at Tel Aviv or Haifa.
The looming grisly danger is real.
can you open borders for people who want to blow up your schools and buses; it is as if
inviting and admitting cancer into your body. The outcry of the Gaza people is
that they are isolated. True, but hardly anyone remembers what led to this
isolation and blockade in the first place. Their ports are closed because of the smuggling of
weapons.It is in the PLO and Hamas' manifesto which calls for the utter destruction of the State of Israel and then they ask for preconditions before they talk peace. Try to pat a rabid dog. Good luck with that.
plays the leading role now and claims victory. Morsy seized the opportunity to
give himself more powers. In no time he has become almost a dictator. Few more
successes and the democratically elected president is about to become Egypt’s
new dictator. For the time being it suits USA quite well, for like the strong
(military) man Mubarak who kept order in Egypt the peace deal with Israel also suits
Morsy because of the billions of dollars in US aid.
Middle East needs some stability. The tradition of tyrants and dictators is long, for under those types there was a relative calm, but that is rapidly changing. Since the ousting of Iran's Shah the Middle East us undergoing profound changes and Israel is at the epicenter for whoever conquers Israel will become the ruler of all Arab people and of the entire Islamic world. Assad of Syria, Jordan's king Abdullah II and the Saudi monarchy have many worries on their plates. Whom to support? Whom to buy? Only a completely united Arab front the great Goliath has a chance in the elimination of David and his sling.
Money talks and walks, but
Iran also finances and equips Hamas just as it does Hezbollah. So here we have
the budget wars. Whoever gives more money wins. It’s ironic and sad, but that’s
reality. There is far more money spent on military than on anything else and
this accelerates as we speak.
In the midst of this volatile atmosphere we are poised, what's next? The lives of innocent children are like Casino chips to be gambled with scoring political points. Whose is on top who won and who lost. Abbas is down they say, and Hamas is up, but above Morsy scored the biggest points in the arena. Will he be the next Nasser?
Middle East needs some stability. The tradition of tyrants and dictators is long, for under those types there was a relative calm, but that is rapidly changing. Since the ousting of Iran's Shah the Middle East us undergoing profound changes and Israel is at the epicenter for whoever conquers Israel will become the ruler of all Arab people and of the entire Islamic world. Assad of Syria, Jordan's king Abdullah II and the Saudi monarchy have many worries on their plates. Whom to support? Whom to buy? Only a completely united Arab front the great Goliath has a chance in the elimination of David and his sling.

In the midst of this volatile atmosphere we are poised, what's next? The lives of innocent children are like Casino chips to be gambled with scoring political points. Whose is on top who won and who lost. Abbas is down they say, and Hamas is up, but above Morsy scored the biggest points in the arena. Will he be the next Nasser?
A life without the Almighty God of Israel would be hopeless for Israel, but not every Israeli is a believer. Most are secular, their faith is more in the Jewish tradition than in the living God. Nonetheless, the Almighty covenant-keeping God, who gave man the free will and made him a little lower than Himself (and higher than angels); watches the earthling gods. What He chose long time ago was in view of what will happen at the end of time. His domino chips still keep on falling until the last one, and we already know the outcome for He had showed us the conclusive end of this human or perhaps inhuman folly.
Only peacemakers can see through the smoke and shrapnel; for only in the inner peace one can see the truth, which comes from the realm of the perfect peace.
A life without the Almighty God of Israel would be hopeless for Israel, but not every Israeli is a believer. Most are secular, their faith is more in the Jewish tradition than in the living God. Nonetheless, the Almighty covenant-keeping God, who gave man the free will and made him a little lower than Himself (and higher than angels); watches the earthling gods. What He chose long time ago was in view of what will happen at the end of time. His domino chips still keep on falling until the last one, and we already know the outcome for He had showed us the conclusive end of this human or perhaps inhuman folly.
Only peacemakers can see through the smoke and shrapnel; for only in the inner peace one can see the truth, which comes from the realm of the perfect peace.
a certain extent we can run our own show until it becomes His show for He said,
[Isaiah 41:10-16] ‘Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ “Behold, all those who are angered at you will be shamed and dishonored; those who contend with you will be as nothing and will perish. “You will seek those who quarrel with you, but will not find them, those who war with you will be as nothing and non-existent. “For I am the LORD your God, who upholds your right hand, who says to you, ‘do not fear, I will help you.’ “Do not fear, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel; I will help you,” declares the LORD, “and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel. “Behold, I have made you a new, sharp threshing sledge with double edges; you will thresh the mountains and pulverize them, and will make the hills like chaff. “You will winnow them, and the wind will carry them away, and the storm will scatter them; but you will rejoice in the LORD, you will glory in the Holy One of Israel.
do not have such promises that fell from the mouth of the LORD. Muslims must
fight for Allah and serve him, please him and prostrate before his fierce face
pleading for mercy. That’s the difference.
[Isaiah 42: Thus says the LORD who made you and formed you from the womb, who will help you, ‘do not fear, O Jacob My servant; and you Jeshurun whom I have chosen. For I will pour out water on the thirsty land and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring and My blessing on your descendants; and they will spring up among the grass like poplars by streams of water.’ “This one will say, ‘I am the LORD’S;’ and that one will call on the name of Jacob; and another will write on his hand, ‘Belonging to the LORD,’ and will name Israel’s name with honor. “Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: ‘I am the first and I am the last, and there is no God besides Me.
must do our best to defend ourselves, but there is a limit to all human
efforts; so when that happens the supernatural must move in and become active
in our lives. That is God’s law on behalf of His chosen and His beloved.
[Psalms 107:27-28] They reeled and staggered like a drunken man, * and were at their wits’ end. Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distresses. * A literal translation: all their wisdom was swallowed up.
our wisdom is swallowed up and we are at the end of our wits God shows up. That’s why you must know Him better,
and not just have a blind faith in Him. These are God’s laws by which we survive any peril
in this life.
It is ironic, but at the same time when knowledge increases others are running to and fro without any knowledge; for they are not in God's pocket but man's.
It is ironic, but at the same time when knowledge increases others are running to and fro without any knowledge; for they are not in God's pocket but man's.
[Psalm 94:10] He who chastens the nations, will He not rebuke, even He who teaches man knowledge? [Daniel 2:21] It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men and knowledge to men of understanding. [Daniel 12:4] … many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.Contrary to our natural assumptions the word “overcome” has nothing to do with fighting, struggles or forceful conquering.
Never in the entire history of Israel - since the first invasion of Canaan under Joshua - Israel ever acted as an aggressor or a conqueror, but always acted in self-defense. Study Israel's history from the biblical record to the modern day.
Responding to aggression in self-defense is rooted in two Bible verses as spoken by God's prophet Samuel and transmitted by King David; for which we are grateful for how else would we know this had it not been for the written form?
It's unbelievably impertinent to hear people trashing the Jew replacing him with self and yet borrowing from the same book the Jew wrote and preserved for the everlasting record. Without the Bible no one would not have the faintest idea as to who the God of Israel is and what is His true character. Without the Old Testament no apostle could ever quote anything; much less elaborate on in their letters.
[2 Samuel 22:26-28] With the kind You show Yourself kind, with the blameless You show Yourself blameless; with the pure You show Yourself pure, and with the perverted You show Yourself * astute. And You save an afflicted people; but Your eyes are on the haughty whom You abase.
[Also in Psalms 18:25-26] With the pure You show Yourself pure, and with the crooked You show Yourself (* twisted - Hebrew literal translation) astute.
In the spirit of these Bible passages
Jesus said in Matthew 16:27 "For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man * according to his deeds."Has God's character ever changed? He is forever the same because time does not age Him nor changes anything. His plan for this earth is suspended only in our time and the history of mankind, but before Him there was never any beginning and there will never be any end. Tap into that and you will know all things. Is it hard? - Yes, but only for the warmongers, connivers, the twisted and double-minded; for those individials carry no truth, which is consistently honest, open, straight and filled with bright light. On other hand it is easy for the peacemakers, for they feed on the heavenly truth and are illuminated by its bright light. So, God holds back from them no secrets.
[Amos 3:7] Surely the Lord GOD does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to His servants the prophets.Imagine. All fifty sons of the prophets knew that Elijah was to be taken up to heaven. Elisha knew that too, but he told the youngsters to 'keep quiet' (II Kings 2:3).
We know God's secret counsel, but note the word secret, which is the case with those who are born of the Spirit, sin no more and are like wind; no one knows where they came from or where they are going - it's secret.
We are getting there my friend. There is so much more to say, but if you engage in the journy of overcoming you will discover it all by yourself. I only sow the seed.
To overcome means to know God as He really is and then give Him as much room as we can in our lives. His omnipotent will must be done on earth as it is in heaven; and we the ‘earthling gods’ must make the decision and choose wisely and learn to give Him the reigns in every situation of our lives. The more you purposely give Him your territory - in your mind, soul and your goings about - the more He will take; until your consciousness will change to the point of seeing nothing of yourself, or anything belonging to you, for everything will be His. And then one day, He will come and take what you have surrendered and made completely His.
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