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Behind bars and not knowing |
As I scan many media, from U-Tube to political and religious blogs I am grieved. People seem to have hijacked themselves and get locked up and seem to be proud of it too. Imprisoned by self-obsession and self-definitions, trying to show off self-importance and self-right. Perhaps that's the reason they are bound by party lines they have yielded their heads to for ideological shampooing. National, religious, political belongings etc, the pot is boiling and the lid is about to pop. Conspiracies like the 9/11… the Jews are behind it, the Zionists, or those in the US government, black people seek definitions in returning ‘hate favors’ to the whites, or call themselves the true Israelites in competition with the Jew and the country Israel.
Israel’s saintly late Rabbi Kaduri has been accused of becoming a Christian because he had visions and dreams and had claimed to have spoken with the Messiah whose name he wrote down on a piece of paper, which spelled Yeshua (or Yehoshua) Jesus. Kaduri said that Ariel Sharon's death will have something to do with the coming of the Messiah.
Many of orthodox Jews deny the Holocaust, demonstrate against Zionism … Christians are being slaughtered in Nigeria by Muslims … All in the name of religion and camp belonging. Imprisoned.
Hindu Sikhs are killed and they kill, oppress Christians in India, but are free to speak openly about their religion in America yet they outlawed this freedom in India. Imprisoned.
Hollywood is Jewish. US Federal Reserve is owned not by the US Government but privately. Who’s behind it? – A few European richest few. Banks are supposedly being run and controlled by the Zionists; Jews are behind the world government; on and on. Some say wake up. Start a revolution, or another war. The pot is boiling and its lid is about to pop? Prisoners.
Herbert Armstrong was right - his successor keeps on driving, 'but people did not believe him then but it all happened' - he says. Waiting for the punch line... Nada. So I should now believe in the late Herbert A. and then what's next? They told us that Germany will rearm and it did. Hitler started the WW II with millions dead, 'perhaps now people will listen' - some add. Listen to what? What can you do oh little man? Run for office, grease those political gears and asscend and then... play those same games as all the rest do? Your morality gets swiftly compromised when self-preservation starts to dominate your political survival. Self is first, otherwise every politician would be like Christ.
Politicians play with illusion for the decent society. They run on morals, and lofty principles, pushing sensitive buttons just to get elected. History shows that those who found the born-again buttons among the Evangelicals want their endorsements and votes. Pro-Israel buttons, pro-life, pro-this and pro-that... against this and against that... The wheels must be turning and somehow move forward even uphill toward the ultimate goal. If you can't vote for, than vote against, either way you must vent your animosities, prejudices and judgmental sentiments and then accuse others of being and doing the same; for after all, one sees others through the prism of one's own reality.
Okay. You have discovered something. You know who blew up the Twin Towers in New York, who controls World’s gold reserves and who controls the world, then what will you do about it? Are you tense? Biting your lips, changing positions on your chair, which suddenly became hard? Will you let anger boil with hatred? The Limbic system of your brain grinds its rusty wheels. Will you take a gun and shoot the suspects? Or will you shoot drugs into your bloodstream just to forget it all, because you have imbibed too much, chewed and swallowed too much already? You want to define those Alcatraz walls of yours and make them thicker and tighter? The mystique, the critique, misty swamps and fog, rotten odors… death.
People choose a party that expresses their views as if they themselves are not able to express their own views without the box into which they stuck their heads. Once they are in that box what matters is a belonging and voting along the party lines. If you chose to be a Republican then you must trash the Democrats the leftists the liberals, as if everything must be packaged and labeled. As if only Rush Limbaugh, he and his camp, have the right to go on a vocal rampage, but no one else. The Democrats keep quiet; they rationalize things. On MSNBC, they are defensive; while Fox is on the offensive. So go after those that turn their backs to you. Hey, you are winning you chase the opponent.
The hatred is profound. Add to it the black president (send him back to Kenya where he was allegedly born) short of using the “N” word and all the Jews too. Where will the buck stop? History has seen it all before. Human nature should be refined, progress and learn the lessons of the not too distant past, but instead it sinks into the abyss it entertains.
America was founded on freedom; it means that all religions have the right to practice their own particular faith without any interference. Based on that, even the KKK enjoys equal rights.
People join a church that expresses their views; and in time modifies also those other views one might still harbor; as long as one remains committed. Those that have joined the Rotary Club, Free Masonry, Shriners or any other fraternity of self-expression need to adjust their way of thinking; sort of lend their minds to another; go with the flow or they don’t belong. Imprisoned.
Mormons are imprisoned. Muslims are imprisoned, and Jews are too, because of the mentioning of the name of Jesus. Christians are imprisoned to their most holy sacraments, well-established doctrines, beliefs, fear of hell, fear of doubting, thinking rationally and the fear of judgment. Prison.
Israel’s saintly late Rabbi Kaduri has been accused of becoming a Christian because he had visions and dreams and had claimed to have spoken with the Messiah whose name he wrote down on a piece of paper, which spelled Yeshua (or Yehoshua) Jesus. Kaduri said that Ariel Sharon's death will have something to do with the coming of the Messiah.
Many of orthodox Jews deny the Holocaust, demonstrate against Zionism … Christians are being slaughtered in Nigeria by Muslims … All in the name of religion and camp belonging. Imprisoned.
Hindu Sikhs are killed and they kill, oppress Christians in India, but are free to speak openly about their religion in America yet they outlawed this freedom in India. Imprisoned.
Hollywood is Jewish. US Federal Reserve is owned not by the US Government but privately. Who’s behind it? – A few European richest few. Banks are supposedly being run and controlled by the Zionists; Jews are behind the world government; on and on. Some say wake up. Start a revolution, or another war. The pot is boiling and its lid is about to pop? Prisoners.
Herbert Armstrong was right - his successor keeps on driving, 'but people did not believe him then but it all happened' - he says. Waiting for the punch line... Nada. So I should now believe in the late Herbert A. and then what's next? They told us that Germany will rearm and it did. Hitler started the WW II with millions dead, 'perhaps now people will listen' - some add. Listen to what? What can you do oh little man? Run for office, grease those political gears and asscend and then... play those same games as all the rest do? Your morality gets swiftly compromised when self-preservation starts to dominate your political survival. Self is first, otherwise every politician would be like Christ.
Politicians play with illusion for the decent society. They run on morals, and lofty principles, pushing sensitive buttons just to get elected. History shows that those who found the born-again buttons among the Evangelicals want their endorsements and votes. Pro-Israel buttons, pro-life, pro-this and pro-that... against this and against that... The wheels must be turning and somehow move forward even uphill toward the ultimate goal. If you can't vote for, than vote against, either way you must vent your animosities, prejudices and judgmental sentiments and then accuse others of being and doing the same; for after all, one sees others through the prism of one's own reality.
Okay. You have discovered something. You know who blew up the Twin Towers in New York, who controls World’s gold reserves and who controls the world, then what will you do about it? Are you tense? Biting your lips, changing positions on your chair, which suddenly became hard? Will you let anger boil with hatred? The Limbic system of your brain grinds its rusty wheels. Will you take a gun and shoot the suspects? Or will you shoot drugs into your bloodstream just to forget it all, because you have imbibed too much, chewed and swallowed too much already? You want to define those Alcatraz walls of yours and make them thicker and tighter? The mystique, the critique, misty swamps and fog, rotten odors… death.
People choose a party that expresses their views as if they themselves are not able to express their own views without the box into which they stuck their heads. Once they are in that box what matters is a belonging and voting along the party lines. If you chose to be a Republican then you must trash the Democrats the leftists the liberals, as if everything must be packaged and labeled. As if only Rush Limbaugh, he and his camp, have the right to go on a vocal rampage, but no one else. The Democrats keep quiet; they rationalize things. On MSNBC, they are defensive; while Fox is on the offensive. So go after those that turn their backs to you. Hey, you are winning you chase the opponent.
The hatred is profound. Add to it the black president (send him back to Kenya where he was allegedly born) short of using the “N” word and all the Jews too. Where will the buck stop? History has seen it all before. Human nature should be refined, progress and learn the lessons of the not too distant past, but instead it sinks into the abyss it entertains.
America was founded on freedom; it means that all religions have the right to practice their own particular faith without any interference. Based on that, even the KKK enjoys equal rights.
People join a church that expresses their views; and in time modifies also those other views one might still harbor; as long as one remains committed. Those that have joined the Rotary Club, Free Masonry, Shriners or any other fraternity of self-expression need to adjust their way of thinking; sort of lend their minds to another; go with the flow or they don’t belong. Imprisoned.
Mormons are imprisoned. Muslims are imprisoned, and Jews are too, because of the mentioning of the name of Jesus. Christians are imprisoned to their most holy sacraments, well-established doctrines, beliefs, fear of hell, fear of doubting, thinking rationally and the fear of judgment. Prison.
Do I have to belong to anything in order to have my views expressed, as if I am an imbecile and too weak; as if others—those better organized—can do a much better job?
I don’t believe in abortion or in homosexuality, just as I don’t like rapists, child molesters, pedophiles, thieves and all criminals, but they serve a purpose too… until their cup of wickedness spills over. That's history. Everything must fill the cup of whatever they are filling it with.
David Ben-Gurion said that once Israel has all the elements found in world’s societies, like crime or prostitution; only then it will be a real country. Jewish atheists are okay as long as they are Jews, racially or cultural I suppose, but Jewishness is defined by religion. People will kill people, if not with those easily accessible guns than they will use knifes, axes, or poisons.
Every living thing on the planet exists and propagates its kind through sex. Animals get also sexually confused, but they have no education, knowledge or law. We do. But the masses only exist living for the sake of living. Subsistence. But they do not define my behavior; no matter how many parties they have organized for me and try to woo me to join.
Lenin once said that religion is the opium of the masses; the other opium of the masses became communism, which he helped to build, excluding religion; one opium always replaces another, but it’s still the same opium. Should I smoke it or inhale it? Am I a fool?
The Kenite can’t help but to organize and organize well. You must know the Kenite characteristics in order to recognize their handy work in every society. We've been in Kenites' pocket since Cain left Eden. Jethro was the first Kenite, Moses' father in law, and his family joined Judah (Judges 1:16), that’s why they are the envy of the world today. Too much gold… Too much business prowess… Too much of everything…
How do I know it? - I know it from the study of the Bible. What do I do about it? I improve my character until this new put on character changes my nature. Once my nature is changed it stops doing stupid things, overcomes foolishness for divine wisdom dictates it so.
The masses are stupid because they amuse themselves with fantasies and conspiracies and then conclude that someone else must be blamed for their own failures, which are always economical. So for the culprit it elects the chosen—the Jew, naturally. It will go on until the Messiah comes. So now we go into another fantasy; when will the Messiah come? Let’s calculate, insinuate, the Book of Revelations boosts this kind of psyche. Yet Jesus said that He does not know only the Father and His Father is greater than He. Yet we come across so many greater-than-Jesus fools.
The temple must be built first in Jerusalem. War. Antichrist, the Beast, the Mark… Can you stop them all? Can you change the world's course? You can only change yourself. (Down below you will learn how.) So choose right. Choose wisely. The voice is here, and it has substance, powerful enough to change anything foolish and mediocre into something sublime and wise.
Squandered time cannot ever be recovered. While you may be envious of someone else's wisdom, energy and anointing you keep on wasting precious time; you burn the midnight oil instead of acquiring understanding, knowledge and wisdom. Sensationalism is the thief.
How can a woman think about aborting? Doesn't she think about the fact that she was also in her mother’s womb? Did she ask her own mother to let her live, and did her own mother also choose to be conceived. Did she choose to be born? Where are women’s choices? When it comes to life none of us have any choice. That's every woman's lot, no matter how much they want to be in charge of their own bodies. They are God's holy instruments on earth. Holy, because they bring forth another human being, just as the Holy Spirit brings forth the spiritually prefect human being.
We live by grace. If I preach the Bible truth then do I have to form a party and start a new movement and attract a following? Is my pulpit paid for by the Democratic, Independent or Republican party?
How can a man choose another man to have sex with? But can this lewdness be even called sex? It is naturally understood that possibly after having sex there may be conception of yet another human being. After a baby is born the instinctive love and care for the infant takes over, which God created in all of us, but does this happen with homosexuality, between a man and a man; a women with a woman? Imprisoned by self.
Some people say, how can you go to another country to do charity and preach Jesus, when there are so many unbelievers in our own country? People do not realize that Jesus told us to go and seek the lost. Seek. In Luke 10 He told us to first find a man of peace in order to stay there, preach the gospel and do the works of power like healing the sick and blessing people. But if we do not find a man of peace we should take back our greeting of peace, shake off even the dust that clung to our feet and move on. Seek. Why? Because in Matthew 13:38 He told us that the world is made of (1) masses - the field, (2) the tares - those who control money and power wickedly, and of (3) the good seed – us, the peacemakers called sons of God. We are individuals. Original. Holy priesthood. We must minister light into this dark world, which becomes increasingly darker; hence ever more blind. "Let the blind lead the blind" Jesus said. "But what's that to you, you are Peter and John is John, follow Me." In other words, what do I have to do with conspiracies?
I believe that God Himself guides the history of the world. but only to a certain extent. The gaps He leaves open are filled with our choices in life. I belive that like Israel America is being guided from above and must pass through all transitional periods of time and one of them is now. The ex-slave owners are being tested. For the first time ever a president of an African descent is the Commander in Chief, imagine. If it's true that he fooled Americans and that indeed he was born in Kenya, then even that is a test and I say God has a sense of humor. But to many it's no laughing matter for after all the American pride is on the line.
It's inevitable. We all must pass through the epochs of time in which certain individuals will enter the annals of history in prominence or disgrace. And during those passes we are taught lessons. Some learn them well others fail.
From Pharaoh to Nebuchadnezzar to Cyrus - under whom all stolen by Nebuchadnezzar temple treasures had been returned to Jerusalem - to Alexander the Great and Roman Caesars. God's hand was upon those rulers, so God's hand was upon American founding fathers. But that does not mean that they are righteous, no. God uses one wicked again another wicked. Hitler will be judged for his hatred and atrocities all on his own merit or a complete lack of it.
Since Luther, Germany is over-saturated with religion. England becomes more and more secular. Institutionalized religion of Italy, Spain and France stands still upon the Vatican hill keeping their faithful in fear to hell and eternal damnation lest they should ever leave the ‘holy mother church.’ Imprisoned.
America is over-saturated with religion, what remains is to go higher and deeper into God’s most glorious Kingdom, but the preaching of the Good News we must still do elsewhere. Dark places like India, which is the most pagan land on the Planet still holds the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. Go and fetch them—Jesus said. “Go and find them for Me.” Time is short.
We love our comfort zones and protect our beliefs although others made them for us and organized them into clubs and parties. We have deprived ourselves of freedom to be an individual who thinks outside the box. For conveniences sake we recline in lofty chairs of criticism and condemnation of those who differ from us. People carry the disease of codependency for they have let themselves be drawn and led by the nose; and drowned in ideology of another. Man creates codependency, but don't fall for it. Don't feel guilty and then try to overcompensate. Stay alert for those locks can't wait to shut down your door and keep you behind bars of yet another doctrine or a good sounding ideology.
I can only change myself by yielding my life to the educational, loving and comforting guidance of the Holy Spirit. I continue steadfastly. My mind is stayed on Him. My mind's blind alleys are no longer dead-ends, but broken-through tunnels that lead to a more glorious reality. By the time all of my blind spots are elucidated with the light of truth; I proceed to the birthing canal and then I am born of the Spirit and become like wind. No one knows where I come from, so no one can pin me down and define me in any way. I belong to no camp. I don't even need to fight any hairdresser out there trying to shampoo my head; for my head has been already washed with the bedazzling light of truth. I know it now already. I do not have to force myself to believe or have faith, as if this magical thing makes it happen. No. I let Him take me along His path of truth and allow Him change me; trailing one step behind His steady pace.
[John 8:31-32] “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”—Jesus.
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