Monday marks the first two burials of the 20 young children massacred at Sandy Hook Elementary School last week.
Jack Pinto, 6, is remembered as a huge football fan who loved the New York Giants. Wide receiver Victor Cruz visited Pinto's grieving family, and wrote "Jack Pinto, My Hero" on the young boy's cleats.
Noah Pozner, also 6, loved reading and figuring out how things worked mechanically, his uncle, Alexis Haller, told the Associated Press. Haller said the boy was "smart as a whip." Pozner's twin sister, Arielle, survived the shooting. He had called Arielle his "best friend."
Pinto and Pozner's funerals are scheduled for 1 p.m. in Newtown and Fairfield, Conn., respectively.

The president of the Connecticut Funeral Director's Association said the funeral and burial process for Newtown victims, which began Monday with the separate burials of Noah Pozner and Jack Pinto, who both were six-years-old, is unlike anything he has seen before.
"I've unfortunately seen lots of kids who have died," said Pasquale Forino, 46, who runs Neilan Funeral Home in New London, Conn. "But this truly shakes your foundation to the core, and in a small town like Newtown, they need lots of help to handle this week of burials."
Forino and a group of morticians who have volunteered have driven to Newtown every day since Friday to help tend to families who are grieving and prepare arriving bodies for viewings and burials. The main funeral home in the town, Honan Funeral Home, is handling the process for 11 victims. Of those, Forino said he has worked on three -- all kids.
"It's not about me, it's about the families and victims. But it still affects us," he said. "We do what we can do to take care of the families. We'll deal with our own emotional needs later."
Source: Haffington Post
Mother shared her gun obsession with school shooter Adam Lanza
- Last Updated: 11:05 AM, December 16, 2012
- Posted: 12:49 AM, December 16, 2012
Weapon-loving Nancy Lanza regularly took her awkward loner-son Adam to shooting ranges, where the painfully shy boy — who suffered from the autism-related Asperger’s syndrome — blasted away targets using his mom’s small arsenal of guns.
“She’d take them to the range a lot . . . Nancy was an enthusiast — so much so that she wanted to pass it on to her kids,” said her former landscaper and occasional drinking buddy Dan Holmes.
FATAL ATTRACTION: Nancy Lanza became obsessed with guns after her 2009 divorce and shared the hobby with her disturbed son, friends say.
FATAL ATTRACTION: Nancy Lanza became obsessed with guns after her 2009 divorce and shared the hobby with her disturbed son, friends say.
“Whenever I finished work and went inside to chitchat, she spoke often about her fascination with firearms. Nancy had an extensive gun collection, and she was really quite proud of it.”
Nancy’s gun training took a tragic turn Friday when Adam grabbed her weapons and shot her dead in her Newtown, Conn., home.
He then took one of her handguns and two powerful rifles she owned to the nearby Sandy Hook Elementary School and killed 20 students, six adults and, finally, himself.
Lanza’s mom cherished her guns, which she began buying after she divorced her husband in 2009, according to a report.
Source: New York Post
To fall in love with guns is easy to fall out of love with them is very hard. There are two psychological hang-ups and two fascinations that humans possess – life-procreation and life-termination in whatever form. Sex is the most excitable activity, but those who are deprived of it may have developed neurological problems called neuro-psychosis.
Literature and the movie industry both use killing and sex as the most excitable to our senses forces. Hunter’s senses are aroused at the prospect of killing an animal, but that same sense can easily switch to a heightened arousal when it reaches the brain and its cognitive functions. Usually it is the Limbic System of our brain that processes fear and anger; the frontal lobe is logical, peaceful and compassionate. But between these two brain areas is the pivot, which functions like a swivel. Unless someone else influences that part of the brain a mentally unstable person might slip into the Limbic System and start an evil planning. Adam Lanza’s mother Nancy did the opposite and she paid for it with her life at the hand of her own son.
Neurotic and psychotic disorders are being characterized as conflicts between affects and ideas: hysteria, obsessions, phobias, and hallucinatory psychoses. Hysteria and neuroses are defensive mechanisms. An accumulation of stressful experiences can lead to an overload at which point irrational and explosive behavior may precipitate, at which point psychoneurosis takes over. To alter this state does not take much. Knowledge of basic psychology helps autistic or withdrawn people to redirect their hostile emotions.
Ironically, most people talk about sin, but they do not understand it, as if the whole sin idea has been muddied up making clear water murky. Sin is the way of pain and hurt. Period. Apparently the Lanzas were Catholic, so they did practice their religion, but perhaps not so much gaining knowledge but most likely they only attended mass and rituals like having their foreheads marked with ash on the Ash Wednesday, Christmas and Easter. But is that enough to give people straight thinking. Straight thinking takes straight talk, which is quite a natural approach; without any veiled in mystery rituals and elaborate ceremonies.
The bottom line is: education, conversation, which in turn will affect that pivotal swivel-like cortex in the center of the brain helping even a mentally unstable person to redirect aggressive thoughts to the Frontal Lobe. Parents are responsible to do that first, otherwise they might fall prey to the offspring they brought into this world.
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Asperger syndrome
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People with Asperger syndrome often display intense interests, such as this boy's fascination with molecular structure.
Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger's syndrome or Asperger disorder, is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. It differs from other autism spectrum disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development. Although not required for diagnosis, physical clumsiness and atypical (peculiar, odd) use of language are frequently reported.
The syndrome is named after the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger who, in 1944, studied and described children in his practice who lacked nonverbal communication skills, demonstrated limited empathy with their peers, and were physically clumsy.
Many questions remain about aspects of the disorder.
The exact cause is unknown. Although research suggests the likelihood of a genetic basis, there is no known genetic etiology and brain imaging techniques have not identified a clear common pathology.
There is no single treatment, and the effectiveness of particular interventions is supported by only limited data.
Intervention is aimed at improving symptoms and function. The mainstay of management is behavioral therapy, focusing on specific deficits to address poor communication skills, obsessive or repetitive routines, and physical clumsiness.
Most children improve as they mature to adulthood, but social and communication difficulties may persist.